It's been a busy few days. Trying to get school clothes and supplies together, and Nathan can hardly wait for school to start. He has 3 backpacks packed and 2 lunchboxes ready to go...
This morning I was weeding the garden, and found a new friend. This happy little guy is the biggest frog I think I've ever seen, probably about 6 inches long.. The kids thought he was great and wanted to keep him, thank goodness we don't have a frog cage.
Since all my kids will be in school, I had being trying to figure out what I'm going to do with myself. So I signed up for a CNA class. I start tomorrow. I am soo nervous, it has been so long since I have been in school, and not to mention around a bunch of grown-ups, I hope I remember how to act. : )
Tomorrow is also my baby girls birthday, she will be 19. Happy Birthday Noelle.